Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day Six

Another warmer day outside today. Most of our snow is melted. Just some patches here and there. But I believe last night they said a snow storm was coming today, but we'll see. Weather people are always wrong!

Back to the same rose bush as day four and five. It is technically on the neighbor's property, but a couple feet away from ours. The side of the house the neighbors never see but we do. This rose bush is gigantic! It's several feet taller than me. The stems are huge too, most atleast 1/2 inch in diameter if not more. That means gigantic thorns! Trying to get a shot for today I needed to get close. In the process I was stuck several times, but that's ok - not like I had bare skin out there other than my cheeks.

This rose bush is providing me with these gorgeous colors. I love these colors - deep purples, greens, coppers.


  1. You are right, beautiful rusty colors and nice diagonal composition too. :-)

  2. There is an overall serene atmosphere coming through not only this photo, but from the gallery as an ensemble. It's coming together really nicely and I am confident that your good eye will lead you to more great photos.

  3. This is indeed full of colour. Espcially for the middle on winter!! Once again the depth of field works well and you can't go wrong with a diagonal composition like this one.

  4. who would have thought something like this would be so pretty and your photo is so crisp that the thorns look so very sharp

  5. Beautiful photograph! I love that bit of magenta over at the left side of the stem. Very simple and very pretty.

  6. Your little gallery is looking stunning already! I love the simple lines of this one, and a sharp looking rose it is too.
    This is art!!!

  7. This is really nice! Thanks!

  8. YEs, it's a beautiful colour palette in this shot, and the bokeh behind from your wonderful choice of aperture is lovely. Very crisp cler detail. Well done!

  9. The color on this is spectacular and the contrast between the pastel colors and the sharp thorns is fabulous!

  10. Love the colours in both the sharp foreground and soft background - very complimentary.

  11. The warm colours match the warm day very well.
