Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day Twenty

Day Twenty .... wow, this is really starting to go by fast!
Still sick here, feeling a bit worse than yesterday. But I'm not going to give up because of a miserable bug - because I know I'll feel better soon and I do want to continue. Even if today felt like I ran a couple miles walking across the backyard and nausea is kicking in - but I don't care this challenge is so much fun :)


  1. Love the DOF on this one.. and how amazingly shapr that seed pod is. Take care of yourself, sounds like you feel pretty awful (((hugs)))

  2. Well done. You're doing really well. Hugs from me too. The detail in this photo is lovely.

  3. Hang in there. Your determination is wonderful and to be admired. I love this image, with the shallow depth of field and beautiful macro detail! Hope you feel better tomorrow!

  4. Gorgeous crispness and clarity on the sharp bits, and the short DOF is just beautiful. Very nice work! Love the warm tones too.

  5. Glad you hung in there cos guess what?
    You made it to the end!!
    Love the dof and colours and clarity, its a very interesting and pretty capture.
