Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day Ten

Day Ten, one-third of the way through! This challenge is going by pretty quickly, and I think I'll be sad when it's all done. Atleast that is what I say now .

The bushes that are typically covered with little burgundy leaves are now bare. Bushes of twigs and thorns. Except for the lone strand of out-of-season pinkish orangey leaves sticking out like a sore thumb. Perfect, just what I'm looking for - the sore thumb of winter.


  1. The cool background really looks wonderful against the very warm leaves. Well done!

  2. It's just the first third.
    By the end of the 2. third you will think different. ;D
    But if you still feel that way,
    you maybe can joyn the people at the what did you shoot today thingy. ^^
    365 days of awesomeness. ;D
    I like the shot btw.
    Very nice and warm colors on a very cold background.
    Very nice contrast. :)

  3. Usually for me, by the end of the 30 day challenges it's kind of an anticlimax. No more comments to look at. No more pictures to view. So if you find you're feeling like that at the end of january you can always do what Xaromir suggested and join us over at W365K. :-)

    Very nice photo today. It fits in well with the rest of your gallery.

  4. Beautiful soft photo..I love the shallow depth of field. Looking at your gallery so far, it's a beautifully cohesive body of work! Nice going!

  5. Well you have hooked me, I'm now a huge fan.
    I like the contrast here, the bright orange/reds against the soft pale blue of the snow.

  6. I love the dof you used and the subtle diagonal.

  7. Love the crisp clarity at the end of the stem, fading back into beautiful blur at the background. Nice colour combinations too. Well done.

  8. How thoughtful of this pretty branch to stay around for you to find!
    Lovely colour and clarity against the white.
